Discover How to Accelerate
All of Your Readers...
In a Simplified Way That
Saves You Time!


Administrators, click here.

Wish You Knew A Way To

Reach Every
Struggling Reader?

Laura was a teacher just like you. She tried hard and put all her energy into her first grade class in her low-income, rural school. Most of the class flourished.

However, a couple of students just weren't making their benchmarks in reading. Trinity especially stuck out.

Then Laura Learned A

Handful Of Activities
That She Began Using
With Trinity...

Then Laura learned a handful of activities that she began using with Trinity...

Trinity immediately began to improve her decoding:

She went from reading just 37 words-per-minute (wpm) to over 60 wpm in less than 2 weeks!

Laura was hooked! She said:

"But once I began...working with she was excited about reading. I could not keep her away from books! I would actually find her reading books during other lessons, and we had to really work on that because, if nothing else, there was a love of reading that had developed in her and that was awesome. And she was really above the level that she was supposed to be when she left my class.... She was one of my top students.

Or, perhaps you are just too overwhelmed by the
literacy needs of your entire class to even THINK
about the unique needs of your weakest reader.

Your district keeps piling on the standards, expectations, pacing guidelines, and professional development. And that's just for literacy!?!

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands for phonemic awareness, phonics, handwriting, spelling, decoding, high frequency words, writing, comprehension, & vocabulary...just to name a few?

Yes, you love your work. Yes, you love the kids. But the hope that "next year" you would capture that illusive "work-life balance" is fading into memory.

You prep, and prep, and think, and search, and prep some more. Teaching 25 different students with 25 different reading needs seems like an impossible, insurmountable mountain to climb.

So many needs! So many literacy standards!

And so many possible activities!

Do you wonder which needs are most pressing?
And which activities will make the biggest difference?

Discover A Solution To The Overwhelm.
A Solution For Each Struggling Reader.

Join the Reading Simplified Academy membership
so you can learn the simple activities that accelerated Laura's student and thousands of other students.

Join the Reading Simplified Academy so you can learn
how to streamline your teaching of reading.

No. More. Overwhelm.

How amazing would it feel to see that one student
you are most concerned about leap ahead in his reading?!?

How amazing would it feel if you could leave
work behind before 4 pm and feel great about tomorrow's plans?



Through video lessons & handouts, quickly learn how to teach just a handful of decoding activities. Then download the word lists, activity pages, and reading texts you need for your students. (Yes, that's all you need to teach either beginning or struggling readers, ages preK to high school! Each activity also targets multiple CCSS.)



Learn how to quickly discern every student's main reading need. Match readers with activities and texts without a hassle. Begin each school week confident that you are optimizing each instructional minute.



You are not alone. Connect with other teachers like you, who 1) want to accelerate ALL their students AND 2) have time for fun, family, and rest. Our private online "Teachers' Lounge" is a 24/7 community where you can share ideas, resources, & questions.



No more drive-by professional development. Dr. Marnie Ginsberg and other literacy experts are in our private online "Teachers' Lounge" most weekdays to answer every question or dilemma you pose. This is what PD should be! The answers you want, when you need them.

Introducing the
Reading Simplified Academy!

A complete A-to-Z blueprint that will give you the tools and know-how to teach
EVERY reader in your class, FASTER, and with LESS STRESS.



    Watch videos welcoming you to the Academy. Develop your own phonemic awareness to be better than the majority of teachers. Begin learning about the Reading Simplified Streamlined Pathway.

  • MODULE 1

    Switch It

    View videos of the Switch It procedures and how to give feedback. Snag word lists. Learn about the beginner's version of Switch It--Build It. Begin trying with at least 1 of your students.

  • MODULE 2

    Read It

    Watch & learn how to teach Blend As You Read--the most common missing ingredient in struggling readers' repertoire. Prep with word lists for your own student. Ensure that no blending problem will stump you again.

  • MODULE 3

    Guided Reading

    Uncover 3 big myths about guided reading as you prepare to accelerate your students more rapidly towards fluency. Watch how to challenge a beginner and a more advanced student during Guided Reading.

  • MODULE 4


    Discover when and how to best use re-reading and teacher modeling to ensure faster progress. Use Reading Simplified texts provided and find other texts that meet students' needs as they advance.

  • MODULE 5

    Sort It

    Watch the Sort It technique in action, along with the Key Sentence mnemonic. Download hundreds of texts targeting specific Advanced Phonics vowels. Never get boggled by students not transferring their Word Work to real reading again!

  • MODULE 6

    Differentiate It

    Now that you know the major Reading Simplified activities, envision how to identify each student's most pressing need, cluster them into like groups, and plan for small group instruction & independent literacy centers.

  • MODULE 7

    Write It

    Build on the skills students have acquired through Switch It, Read It, & Sort It by learning how Write It flexibly meets beginner and advanced readers' needs. Learn how to match readers with words & sentences for dictation.

  • MODULE 8

    Extend It

    Extend everyone's learning beyond guided reading with the ideas for Extend It. With the support of the Streamlined Pathway, target each child's or each group's instruction needs with easy to adapt literacy centers or independent stations. Develop a homework plan that advances each reader.

  • MODULE 9


    Click on a wealth of additional resources and links that make Reading Simplified, well, so simple. As our community grows and teachers add ideas and resources for Reading Simplified, come here for a treasure trove.

Previous Research & Programs

Introducing the
Reading Simplified Academy!

8+ hours of video instruction in our main video course.

A growing, on-demand library of 20+ one-hour workshops for advanced users.

Over 1000 activity pages, games, & texts for kids, for grades K-5. Easily adaptable to any literacy curriculum & meeting multiple Common Core State Standards. No more endless Teachers Pay Teachers spending, printing, and prepping for reading!
24/7 online community of like-minded professionals, learning alongside you: sharing of ideas and materials that align with Reading Simplified. Ask and receive support from other teachers as well as reading coach, Marnie.

I Once Struggled With

Teaching Reading Too...

I'm Dr. Marnie Ginsberg, and I've been a classroom teacher just like you. I paid attention in my education classes and got good grades.

But when I began teaching on my own, I realized I didn't really know how to teach EVERY child how to read.....

....And I didn't like it! Like you, I became a teacher to make a difference! So, I pursued a life-long quest to learn how to teach reading more easily and effectively.

Through lots of... seaching, trial-and-error, and practice,

I found which activities yielded big results for students...and which didn't

Next I worked in university classrooms and with classroom teachers in 8 states to share lessons that packed a powerful punch.

Along the way, I keep learning how to streamline the task of teaching reading.

Finally, I developed the Reading Simplified approach to teaching beginning or struggling readers of all ages.

With the Reading Simplified Academy, I am eager to collaborate with you about a research-based, yet non-mainstream, approach to reading. An approach that will accelerate readers of all levels AND will give you more peace of mind.

Hundreds of Differentiated
Student Resources

Reading Simplified definitely accelerates learning with activities that simultaneously integrate multiple processes at once and provides built-in review. The Streamlined Pathway, that integrates sounds, length of words (CVC, CCVC, MS, etc.) Fry words, and fluency, is a grand way to put it all together to move students forward.

The program is simply and masterfully put together.

North Carolina

What People are Saying About

Reading Simplified & Dr. Marnie Ginsberg...


Dr. Ginsberg truly shows her expertise in reading with her streamlined strategies. Bells, whistles, and expensive materials from other reading programs do not typically yield the results possible with techniques provided by reading simplified. This approach allows reading professionals to better understand reading development themselves, as they master the strategies, while simultanesously furthering their students...

Dr. Jeanne Gunther
Early Childhood Education Program Chair,
Francis Marion University


"Watching Dr. Ginsberg work with a child is a powerful experience. She possesses the rare combination of literacy expertise and the ability to assess and respond to a child's reading needs on the spot.

I've also seen her design a reading approach based on current, sound research. I've seen her train and support teachers and reading coaches in how to implement that curriculum with children who have very large gaps in their reading skills."

Denise Ricks
(Teacher, Literacy Coach, Educational Consultant)


"Marnie Ginsberg has thoughtfully and painstakingly prepared simple but powerful strategies, instructional sequences, and materials that insure early reading success for all your readers, including those who struggle most with early reading.

As a professor of graduate reading courses, a first grade teacher, a K-5 reading specialist, and a reading coach for the last six years, Marnie's work has made the essential elements in learning to read much more obvious to me, and she has provided exactly what I needed to ensure every child's success as an early reader!"

Dr. Dianne Mancus
(Reading Coach & Former 1st Grade Teacher, Principal, School Planter)

Is the Reading Simplified Academy
Right for You?

The Reading Simplified
Academy is right for you if...

  • You are willing to invest in your professional learning now so you can stress less later.
  • You worry about those students who will likely leave your classroom still behind in reading.
  • You are looking for a systematic way to think about differentiation and planning in literacy.
  • You want easy access to student resources that precisely fit each one's needs.
  • You've been searching for a systematic approach to teaching phonics, phonemic awareness, decoding, & high frequency words.

The Reading Simplified Academy
may not be right for you if...

  • Teaching reading is not one of your top priorities.
  • Planning for literacy and meeting every student's needs are easy for you.
  • You love the hours you spend on Pinterest and TPT searching for the perfect lesson plan each night.
  • You don't have convenient access to the internet.

Above & Beyond Bonuses

Snag these bonuses now to ensure all your problems implementing the Reading
Simplified techniques are readily addressed. Enjoy easy-to-access, ongoing, online
professional learning that targets the needs of just our community.

Access to a Private Online "Teachers' Lounge"

Don't go it alone. Join other professionals just like you who are learning how to streamline their reading instruction and to accelerate all their students' achievement. An online discussion forum, or "Teachers' Lounge" will keep you connected, informed, and inspired. Plus, Marnie will participate in the Teachers' Lounge most weekdays.

Ongoing Professional Development Workshops

Continue your literacy learning beyond the core Academy modules with our ever-expanding library of advanced workshops. Join in live for the online, streaming webinar or watch later at any time. Submit topics or questions in advance so you get just-in-time professional learning.

Free Case Studies

How do the activities look all together? How do the activities vary depending on a student's reading level? Enjoy these case studies to find out: Watch any of the 4 fifteen-minute videos of a complete reading session with Marnie and a Kindergartener, 1st grader, 2nd grader, or 4th grader.

Choose Your Plan.


  • 30+ hours streaming video content
  • 1000+ pages downloadable student materials
  • Private online Teachers' Lounge forum
  • Access to Dr. Marnie Ginsberg in forum
  • 4 case study videos of 4 different levels
  • Handouts & quizzes for accountability
  • Certificate for completing course


$387 YEAR 1
Just $147 / future years
  • 30+ hours streaming video content
  • 1000+ pages downloadable student materials
  • Private online Teachers' Lounge forum
  • Access to Dr. Marnie Ginsberg in forum
  • 4 case study videos of 4 different levels
  • Handouts & quizzes for accountability
  • Certificate for completing course
  • Over $100 less than monthly plan


Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How long will it take to finish the main video course?

    An average user will spend 1-2 hours per week, including the video & time with student for practice, for a total of 6 weeks. Some will finish sooner. Some will take longer.

    Then the community and ongoing 1 hour, advanced workshops will help you continue to develop your ability to meet each student's needs in the simplest, most effective way.

  • How will I learn the Reading Simplified approach?

    Based on my experience (Marnie's) with hundreds of teachers, I designed the Academy to optimize & accelerate your learning. Most modules follow this cycle:

    1) Watch videos to learn the new activity, 2) Prep materials for that activity, 3) Try out new activity with at least one student, 4) Reflect and respond in Teachers' Lounge forum, 5) Take quick online quiz to advance to next module.

    This cycle of learning helps keep you accountable to truly learn the Reading Simplified approach and ensures you get solutions to your questions and comments in the Teachers' Lounge as you need them. Instead of drive-by PD, the Academy provides individualized, on-demand professional learning in community.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    For as long as you continue your monthly or annual membership. Any materials that you access while a member are yours to keep forever for your own personal or classroom use.

    For far less than the price of a workshop or conference that you have to travel to, 1) you will not have to leave your home, yet 2) you will discover far-more efficient reading activities, 3) you will get every question answered promptly, & 4) you'll have more time for yourself.

  • Can I use a school purchase order for the membership?

    Yes! Please email us at admin (at) readingsimplified (dot) com.

  • Will new student materials be added?

    Absolutely! We will routinely be adding to our student resources. In addition, other community members will add materials in the Teachers' Lounge forum that will be for all to share.

  • When can I cancel?

    Anytime. Only pay for the current month. No contracts.

    To cancel a membership, simply email your request to admin (at) readingsimplified (dot) com 2 business days before your next billing date.

  • Didn't find the answer you're looking for?

    Please email us at admin (at) readingsimplfied (dot) com. We love to hear from you!

Dump the Overwhelm:
Join the Academy Today!