Join the Reading Simplified Academy™ to learn how to streamline the teaching of reading.
Yes, teaching children how to read was once perplexing, overwhelming, and discouraging for me, too. But after years of trial-and-error, research, professional learning, and practice with hundreds of children, I have discovered a simplified pathway for reading success for all children–an approach that distills the clamoring voices of the teaching reading world into just a few simple steps.
Discover how just 3 activities can streamline your reading instruction AND accelerate your students’ reading achievement! Less planning & instructional time wasted!
How did one Colorado school nearly double its literacy gains in just one year? At […]
Read PostDo you have a student who finds it difficult to decode an unfamiliar word? Perhaps […]
Read PostWhen I was a young middle school English teacher, my students were reading 2 years below grade level, on average. Despite my master’s in education, I knew I did NOT know how to help them. When I searched for answers, I was overwhelmed by the conflicting philosophies and endless activities to try. Finally I discovered a technique that worked–rapidly. I’ve been passionate about sharing an evidence-based, streamlined system ever since.