Laura was a teacher just like you. She tried hard and put all her energy into her first grade class in her low-income, rural school. Most of the class flourished.
However, a couple of students just weren't making their benchmarks in reading. Trinity especially stuck out.
Then Laura learned a handful of activities that she began using with Trinity…
Trinity immediately began to improve her decoding:
She went from reading just 37 words-per-minute (wpm) to over 60 wpm in less than 2 weeks!
Your district keeps piling on the standards, expectations, pacing guidelines, and professional development. And that's just for literacy!?!
Feeling overwhelmed by the demands for phonemic awareness, phonics, handwriting, spelling, decoding, high frequency words, writing, comprehension, & vocabulary…just to name a few?
Yes, you love your work. Yes, you love the kids. But the hope that “next year” you would capture that illusive “work-life balance” is fading into memory.
You prep, and prep, and think, and search, and prep some more. Teaching 25 different students with 25 different reading needs seems like an impossible, insurmountable mountain to climb.
So many needs! So many literacy standards!
And so many possible activities!
Do you wonder which needs are most pressing?
And which activities will make the biggest difference?
Join the Reading Simplified Academy membership
so you can learn the simple activities that accelerated Laura's student and thousands of other students.
Join the Reading Simplified Academy so you can learn
how to streamline your teaching of reading.
No. More. Overwhelm.
How amazing would it feel to see that one student
you are most concerned about leap ahead in his reading?!?
How amazing would it feel if you could leave
work behind before 4 pm and feel great about tomorrow's plans?
Through video lessons & handouts, quickly learn how to teach just a handful of decoding activities. Then download the word lists, activity pages, and reading texts you need for your students. (Yes, that's all you need to teach either beginning or struggling readers, ages preK to high school! Each activity also targets multiple CCSS.)
Learn how to quickly discern every student's main reading need. Match readers with activities and texts without a hassle. Begin each school week confident that you are optimizing each instructional minute.
You are not alone. Connect with other teachers like you, who 1) want to accelerate ALL their students AND 2) have time for fun, family, and rest. Our private online “Teachers' Lounge” is a 24/7 community where you can share ideas, resources, & questions.
No more drive-by professional development. Dr. Marnie Ginsberg and other literacy experts are in our private online “Teachers' Lounge” most weekdays to answer every question or dilemma you pose. This is what PD should be! The answers you want, when you need them.
A complete A-to-Z blueprint that will give you the tools and know-how to teach
EVERY reader in your class, FASTER, and with LESS STRESS.
Watch videos welcoming you to the Academy. Develop your own phonemic awareness to be better than the majority of teachers. Begin learning about the Reading Simplified Streamlined Pathway.
Watch & learn how to teach Blend As You Read–the most common missing ingredient in struggling readers' repertoire. Prep with word lists for your own student. Ensure that no blending problem will stump you again.
Watch the Sort It technique in action, along with the Key Sentence mnemonic. Download hundreds of texts targeting specific Advanced Phonics vowels. Never get boggled by students not transferring their Word Work to real reading again!
Now that you know the major Reading Simplified activities, envision how to identify each student's most pressing need, cluster them into like groups, and plan for small group instruction & independent literacy centers.
Build on the skills students have acquired through Switch It, Read It, & Sort It by learning how Write It flexibly meets beginner and advanced readers' needs. Learn how to match readers with words & sentences for dictation.
Extend everyone's learning beyond guided reading with the ideas for Extend It. With the support of the Streamlined Pathway, target each child's or each group's instruction needs with easy to adapt literacy centers or independent stations. Develop a homework plan that advances each reader.
Click on a wealth of additional resources and links that make Reading Simplified, well, so simple. As our community grows and teachers add ideas and resources for Reading Simplified, come here for a treasure trove.
8+ hours of video instruction in our main video course.
A growing, on-demand library of 20+ one-hour workshops for advanced users.
Over 1000 activity pages, games, & texts for kids, for grades K-5. Easily adaptable to any literacy curriculum & meeting multiple Common Core State Standards. No more endless Teachers Pay Teachers spending, printing, and prepping for reading!
24/7 online community of like-minded professionals, learning alongside you: sharing of ideas and materials that align with Reading Simplified. Ask and receive support from other teachers as well as reading coach, Marnie.