Giving feedback is one of the highest levers a teacher has. But giving corrective feedback for students' word reading errors can seem tricky! Right?

Discover our essential bag of tricks for scaffolding word reading errors for beginning or struggling readers.

Jill Lauren, reading teacher, coach and creator of the Whole Phonics series, and Dr. Marnie Ginsberg, founder of Reading Simplified, will each present their own reliable approaches. Head here for a short list of our typical feedback prompts.  

AND, we'll even include a discussion of what we disagree on !! and what the research can or can't say to inform these decisions.

We'd love to know what works for you with your students.

We also want to wade into the sometimes tricky waters of differing approaches. We promise not to fight! 😉

Watch This Workshop on Corrective Feedback--When and How to Provide It to Beginning and Struggling Readers

Learning from Our "Debate" on Corrective Feedback

Did you notice how we agree on some principles of research on corrective feedback that can guide us?

And how we can also disagree on minor issues where we don't have a definitive answer from educational research yet?

After this demonstration, I learned about Adam Grant's new book, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know [affiliate link],  which is a super interesting and instructive guide on how to learn from others. How to be humble enough. Why persuading others can be the wrong first step. Jill and I were attempting the path of Think Again a very small way. I'd love for everyone passtionate about literacy to include it on their must-have shelves.

We hope this is a simple example of modeling how to collaborate and learn from one another in the field of reading especially.

Almost every reading program or every literacy leader has some wisdom in it. Let's listen and learn from one another even as we strive towards more efficiency, more effectiveness, more alignment with the science....

Your turn!

Does your approach to giving feedback look like either of ours? What's different?

Or, if you haven't yet attempted prompts that are this tied to decoding goals, we'd love to know what happens when you try something like it! Let us hear from you in the comments below....